Many people like to discuss their marital issues with their friends because they want sympathy and someone to side with them. However, just because someone is your friend doesn't mean he or she has the wisdom or experience to help you. Here are 4 things you shouldn't talk about with anyone but your spouse... More >>
...I dated the guy for 3 years, he seemed like Prince Charming - little did I know. He lied to me about his whole life. In the beginning I even broke up with him because I got that "you're not telling me everything" feeling... More >>
There's a growing epidemic spreading its way across the nation with a bullseye aimed directly on couples whose kids have flown the coop. No, it's not health issues, retirement money worries, or employment challenges. It's divorce... More >>
I am a stay-at-home mom, happily married to my Army husband. While stationed in California, I experienced an extreme amount of stress and ended up gaining a lot of weight... More >>