Here is what I have learned from Dr. Laura since 1996:
• Relationships are like bank accounts of good will; make lots of deposits and few withdrawals.
• Caring people show positive regard for themselves and others with understanding, kindness, and compassion.
• Don’t allow the 20% negative side of a relationship to overshadow the 80% positive side. Nagging about the 20% demeans the other person, and pushes him/her away; neither party is happy. Focusing on the strengths of a relationship encourages and supports the other person.
• Best friends create their own happiness and then share it with each other.
• Trust and love must be earned.
• Blind trust in people or institutions leads to erroneous assumptions, frustration, disappointment, and potential abuse from a predatory relationship.
• There is no such thing as unconditional love. All love comes with expectations, lines in the sand, and deal breakers. Otherwise, you're just a doormat for people to wipe their feet on.
• Reasons to end a relationship are abuse, addiction, adultery, and abandonment.