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Letters From Listeners

Tip for When You Just Don't Want to Get Up and Go

Dear Dr. Laura:

I just listened to your call with Nikki, who has a hard time getting up and going, each day. I'm a stay-at-home-wife, and when my husband was in Iraq and then Afghanistan, I could definitely commiserate with what Nikki is going through now. "Why bother?" Well, I knew I put myself in that rut, and didn't want my little rut to turn into a BIG rut. That's when I accidentally found a simple trick I now use all the time, even though I'm not "in that same place", any longer. Perhaps it might be a help for Nikki and others with the same difficulty [and...perhaps not!].

When I get up and get dressed (and that can be the hard part, I know), unless I'm going somewhere right away, I immediately don a big apron - the kind that covers your whole front, and has a bib. It's my "uniform" for work. I don't know if that is it or what (I did wear a "real" uniform for years as an Army Nurse), but when I put it on, I can move mountains! My energy and attitude soar and I have a purpose in life. Even on (those very few) days that I jump out of bed with lots of energy and fly through my projects, if I THEN put on my apron, it's amazing! Projects are completed, our home looks great, there's a yummy dinner cooking, and I still have time to exercise (I'm an afternoon exerciser - works better on my body), take my dogs for an extra-long walk, and do a couple crosswords while listening to a book, before my husband gets home!

Anyway, I thought this tip might be an extra "tool" for Nikki, after she's finished exercising with you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all you do for America.



Tags: Attitude, Eat Less-Move More, Exercise, Health, Motivation, Purpose, Response to a Call
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