It was very, very crazy here yesterday with high winds and rough seas. On top of that, we were going upwind which was difficult and exhausting, so I wasn't able to write a blog. However, at this moment, I am told we are number one...having come up from fifth place. But it is won't be over until we get Honolulu.
We are all ok, although wet and tired. It is difficult to eat and sleep in an intensely bouncing boat. But the ocean should be calmer by tomorrow. We were and are in a "get the job done" mode... Everyone is working hard. Kevin and Eric are doing a great job directing our route and how to do it right. They are very impressive guys.
We had a number of issues which cost us a bit of time, but we clearly have made it up. One thing that happened was the inverter blew which means no microwave....Sheesh. So, we're boiling everything.
More later.
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