We have been dodging squalls and light wind areas for two days now. We have not seen an airplane or any other boat of any kind. A couple of flying fish have said hello. Evidently we are the farthest from land one can be residing on this earth...Strange thought.
Hope everyone is enjoying the videos and still photos. (View them in the
Transpac 2011 area on DrLaura.com)
We are fighting hard to regain our earlier lead! However, "at the end of the day," it is all about the privilege of being out here doing this in the first place.
Right now the wind speed is about 10 knots and we are doing between 9 and 10 knots.
Last night all I wanted was an orange soda... Funny, I never got cravings when I was pregnant, but in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...! Ha-ha!
We are all is still having a good time. Our spirits are up and we've got a
"Never give up, never surrender" attitude!
We are about 20 miles from the half way point.
We just saw a pod of pilot whales -- up close and personal. The sea is an amazing blue color. It feels as though we are in a fish bowl because we are completely surrounded and contained by cloud effects. It's very interesting.
The crew just had their chili mac freeze dried food and it appears this is the favorite meal so far.
We are in about 10 knots of wind and Katana maintains doing equal or more. It is a fun boat to drive.
We're telling jokes (mostly bad ones) and are having trivia challenges to old movie plots, etc.
As we get closer to Hawaii, it gets hotter and hotter. I am covered in clothing from head to toe to avoid sunburn.
For the last two days, we had a bad time with cloud conditions that stole our wind, but we're doing our best to get goin' again.
Already we know we'll do this again next Transpac (2013) as we will know the boat's capabilities better. It is all a learning curve.
Sometimes I just cannot believe we are out here with no land or boats or planes to be seen. It is a lovely ride.
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