One of us saw a huge sea turtle; another crew member saw a flying fish. And as I mentioned yesterday, we had a squid fly onto the deck. It's curious we are not seeing much in the way of sea life.
Right now, we are in a light air zone....working our way out of it so we can get surfing the waves again. Yesterday, I had a ball driving Katana faster and faster down the waves. It's a bit difficult to do on a cloudy night with no moonlight or stars shining. Without being able to see the spinnaker and the angle of boat to horizon, it can get a bit disorienting.
With each day, we are all getting sillier and sillier and having huge laughs. It is interesting watching and participating in a group survival situation... REAL reality - not the stupid set up nasty stuff on tv. We are all pulling together. It is very touching and enjoyable.
Yesterday most of the crew did some laundry and hung it out to dry on the stern lines. Katana looked like a tenement. (see photo below)
We've dropped out of first place, but we're not the slightest bit concerned about it. It ain't over 'til everyone crosses the finish line. We are all optimistic the final run to Molokai channel will be where and when we take off fast.
Winning would be great...obviously. It is a race. But this is an unbelievable experience. Nine people on a forty seven foot boat getting along, pulling together, and supporting each other. Not one moment of anyone having a hissy fit about anything. I am truly fortunate to know and sail with these guys. And I am learning a lot.
Of course we each would love to materialize at a spa for one hour...hahahahaha
Have a great day. Track us at: