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Email of the Day

Daddy & Daughter Bonding

Dr. Laura:

I think there's a special bond between fathers and daughters.  I know I had one with MY Dad.  He had lots of wisdom that he passed on to me, and I created a list of all the things he said that have "stuck with me" over the years.  I thought they might resonate with all of your listeners:
  1. Always carry yourself like a lady

  2. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

  3. Always make sure you have enough money for cab fare when you go on a date.

  4. You can't help someone out of a hole if you're standing in it.

  5. A little respect goes a long way.

  6. Don't spend it if you don't have it.

  7. Be the best at whatever you do, as long as it's legal and moral.  

  8. Help those in need, but don't give away the farm.

  9. You can either pay now and play later, or you can play now and pay later.

Tags: Behavior, Internet-Media, Parenting, Raising Boys to Men, Relatives, Teens
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