Dearest Mother Laura,
It's heating up in Texas, and this morning in the news there was yet one more heatstroke-related-death of a small child being "forgotten" in the car for an extended period of time. Too often it seems somewhere in these types of articles I'll read the parent forgot to drop the child off at day care while on his or her way to work. How many times must this continue to happen before someone will admit there seems to be a correlation with unintentional hot car deaths and forgotten day care drop-offs?
Dr. Laura, I am my 5 and 2 year old kids' mom, and I am so grateful I found you on the radio over 10 years ago. I have my M.A. in marriage and family counseling, and I have testified many times that "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" has done more to benefit my 8 year marriage than my degree. Also, my son will be starting kindergarten this fall, and I have never been more grateful I put my career aside to stay home with my boys. It's quite easy to find mothers who regret putting their children in day care during those precious early years, but you'd be extremely hard-pressed to find mothers who regret STAYING HOME with their children, once their babies are grown.
Thank you, Dr. Laura. I pray for you often, that God will continue to use you in the lives of all your listeners, and that you will keep up the good fight.