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Letters From Listeners

My Response to Shacking Up
My then boyfriend and I had been dating for a little while when he decided he wanted to move back to his home state. I asked where that would leave us, and he responded I could go with him. When I asked, "Where would I live?," he casually answered, "Well you could live with me." I looked at him and calmly said, "Live with you, without being married? No, that's not going to happen." The conversation pretty much ended at that time.

The next week he appeared at my house with a ring and asked me to marry him. I said, "Yes." We did end up moving back to his home state 10 years after we were married and have now been married for 28 years.

I don't understand women who don't have simple respect for themselves. If he is a real man, then he will respond the same way my amazing MAN did.

You're the best.

Tags: Behavior, Dating, Marriage, Morals/Ethics/Values, Raising Boys to Men, Real man, Relationships, Self-respect
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