Importance of Expressing Respect and Admiration
March 14, 2013
Importance of Expressing Respect and Admiration
Hi Dr. Laura!

Here's some adult humor with a point I thought you'd get a kick out of. Today, I was thinking that I am a consistently happy wife. I'm always on Cloud 9 and it seems like I hardly ever come down. My husband means the world to me, and I had an overwhelming urge to send him a text telling him how I feel. I usually send naughty little messages, but this time I felt I needed to send something a bit more heartfelt, so I texted him that I love him more than anything; that I respect and admire the hell out of him, and that he's wonderful. I did not expect the reply I got back from him... He said, "Oh stop. You're giving me a chubby!" I laughed, he sure has a way with words... but it certainly drives the point home of how much it means to our men when we women clearly state these things!

Thanks for all you do!


Posted by Staff at 10:21 AM