More Like a Dad
June 12, 2012
More Like a Dad

Dr. Laura,

I just wanted to share this song/video with you. My cousin's husband co-wrote this with a friend. It is a lovely way to celebrate dads with Father's Day approaching.

I love the opening quote of the video: "My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. My mother would come out and say 'You're tearing up the grass.' 'We are not raising grass,' Dad would reply, 'We're raising boys.'"

Take a listen. I know you will love the meaning behind the words. Both of these guys are real men… True dads. True husbands.

Watch the video: More Like A Dad - Allen Krehbiel

Their album is called "Heart of a Dad" and is available on iTunes. But you can hear the songs free on YouTube. I listen to you everyday and know you will love the message in these songs.

Keep fighting the fight. You help so many more people than ever call your show.


Posted by Staff at 2:00 PM