I Found My Old Friend
May 21, 2015
I Found My Old Friend

Dear Dr. Laura, 

My mom would listen to your show when I was younger, but back then as a young teenager I didn't need any of your advice, because if I wasn't an all-knowing teenager then I was un-caring one. But as I grew and I left the too-well-built and sheltered nest, real life introduced itself to me and the hardships began. So when I came across your radio show one fateful summer afternoon it was like hearing advice from an old friend who you now realize really did know what they were talking about. I religiously listened to your show and shared much of your advice with those I knew. I was repeatedly complemented for my wisdom, to which I immediately endorsed you and your radio show. Then you were off my radio station. I can honestly say there was a void when I realized I wouldn't be able to listen to you anymore. 

As it does, life moves on and so did I. Then last summer I rented a truck that had XM radio. I was channel surfing and I found you again! I don't exaggerate when I say I hollered aloud at the sound of your voice! It may not surprise you I listened to your show again in its entirety before going back to work. You are going to get me in trouble one of these days. 

Thank you for not only doing your job, but for doing it well. 



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM