When Trust Has Been Broken
February 3, 2016
When Trust Has Been Broken

When the trust has been broken in a relationship, the respect disappears. Everything becomes suspect.

After the trust has been shattered, the injured spouse does not trust the decision making of the other. Even if the two decide to 'forgive' and move forward there is still deep seated hurt and resentment. The injured spouse has to make the choice to move forward. If the spouse refuses to move forward the  unspoken resentment will silently rear it's head whenever another issue comes up.

Agree before the disagreement, that neither will try to slay the other, while making their case. 


Have you ever tried to repair trust in a relationship? Tell us how you succeeded or failed, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  

Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM