March 10, 2017An Expensive and Painful Lesson
Dear Dr. Laura,
I was listening to the show from March 8th, where a lady called in for advice on what to tell her in-laws about her breast augmentation surgery. Your advice was spot on.
When I was 42, I had the same surgery. My husband always said he loved me the way I was and the surgery was not necessary. After three children, I thought otherwise. I went for my first and only mammogram.
The technician expressed the same concerns you told the caller. She explained only certain mammogram machines can be used be of the implants. I decided that no one was going to talk me out of the surgery. Fast forward- last year at 47 I had the implants removed. It was an expensive and painful lesson. I may have had a great new body, but with that came a constant pain in my breasts, unexplained dizziness, and back pain. They made it harder to run and work out. I became myself again after having them removed, and feel so much better.
My advice to anyone thinking about this procedure would be exactly the advice you gave. Do your research on implants gone wrong. Look at pictures- not just the great before and after, but of botched surgeries. Think about how hard it will be to detect cancer. Also, Remember that they are not permanent and you will have to have them redone after so many years.
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Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM