Domestic Violence is Not Acceptable
November 30, 2011
Domestic Violence is Not Acceptable

I am listening to a repeat of today's show and just heard your call with the young woman who is in an abusive relationship and has no kids. (Listen to the call of the day for 11.29.) I loved your response to her. My heart goes out to the lady because I was in a similar boat.

I have been married 11 years. One time early on I was pushed, but he had me believe it was my fault and I was crazy. He's smashed numerous objects of mine. Last year he ripped a portable dvd player from our youngest son and smashed it to the floor. I stood up to my husband and told him how wrong he was and if he wants to bully someone he needs to pick on somebody his own size. He then threw a jar of nuts at me. I stuck around. I'm a housewife without an education. I figured I couldn't do better.

Four days after celebrating our 11th anniversary we had an argument which led him to strangle me against the bed. I was able to hit him to get his hands off of my throat. I wrapped my arms around him to try to push him out of the way so I could get out our bedroom door. He beat my face repeatedly. I got one more hit in before he knocked me to the floor and pounded the back of my head. Unfortunately it took me getting my ass handed to me to wake up. Yesterday a 3 year restraining order was granted to me. Next week my husband has a hearing facing felony corporal injury to a spouse charges. Tomorrow I give my FREE attorney the divorce papers.

This young caller today can and should get out. Yes, it is embarrassing being abused. I am thankful to be alive because I have training in mixed martial arts. The two hits I got on him managed to break his jaw, but the evidence of my injuries (which include traumatic brain injury) is being held by the court. This girl can be free. The few weeks I have been alone the atmosphere in my home is light and loving. My kids know I love them and will support them. (I managed to get a care giving position starting this week!) You are so right when you told this lady to handle business. That is what I've been doing each day since the assault. I have weak days, but mostly I feel strong. My two young sons are in counseling since they heard the attack and saw my bloody face. Times are hard, but we've managed to have a happy Thanksgiving (with family I was never allowed to see) and we will have a good Christmas too! This young caller of yours today reminded me of myself 10 years ago. Naive. God help her.



Posted by Staff at 4:01 PM