Who Would Want to Live with That Attitude?
April 26, 2016
Who Would Want to Live with That Attitude?

Dr. Laura,

What an eye opener it was to read this letter from the sisters who wrote the post "10 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him". After reading their letter, I took the time to read the responses to their blog. WOW! I know you hate to hear about "Feelings", but I have two things I feel from the responses by some of the women. 

  • First, I am soooooo blessed to have my wife as my partner. I thank God every day for having my path cross hers; to be able to spend my life with her and be treated with love and caring. 
  • Second, I feel sorry for the women who bashed the writers of the blog. They must be living the most lonely and unloved lives. Their attitude they will be forever locked in a prison of rejection. Who would want to live with that attitude?

Keep up your good work,


What kind of attitude makes you want to come home every day? Send us an email and tell us, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM