Music Is A Gift
March 2, 2017
Music Is A Gift

Hi Dr. Laura,

As I was driving home the other day, listening to your show, a caller was struggling with dealing with some life issues. You told her that when you have one of those discouraging moments, she should get in the car and sing - whether it was good singing or bad. You shared how much better that would make her feel. And it is so very true! 

My daughter took vocal lessons from a very accomplished vocal artist who would also give her "the science" behind singing. As a scientist and singer myself, I gleaned a lot from these lessons. Her instructor shared with her that when you sing, the vibrations in the mouth actually stimulate the pituitary gland in the brain to secrete hormones which elevate your mood level. How cool is that!!

On my piano is a framed picture that states "Music is the fair and glorious gift from God". How fitting it is that he would design our bodies in such a way that when we would sing, it would bring joy to our hearts and spirit. I truly believe that is a gift for us, and when we sing His praises, we probably feel even better. Thank you for all you do to help others move from discouraging to even better!

God bless and sing on!!

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Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM