Eat What Is Put Before You
December 16, 2014
Eat What Is Put Before You

When I was a kid, my mom would take the time to prepare a well-balanced meal for us. It may have had items we didn't like such as "spinach" or "steak", but it was healthy and well balanced. I have noticed today's parents cater to their children simply to get food inside them. I remember my dad saying, "You eat what your mother fixed." Today what I'm hear is "You don't like what I fixed? Then what do you want and I'll fix it for you." When I hear this I immediately think to myself "NO! No, no, no, you eat what was fixed for you." I don't understand what has happened. I know parenting is difficult, but are they that afraid of parenting? Have certain laws that were meant to protect children caused parents to give up? 

Thank you Dr. Laura for everything you do. 



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM