Different Stages of Love
December 13, 2013
Different Stages of Love


Dr. Laura,

My wife and I just celebrated our golden anniversary on November 24. Sadly, she had a stroke two weeks prior to that. It was a minor stroke, a TIA. And I am now her caretaker, especially in managing her medicine.

I think we go through different stages of love in our married lives. There was the love that attracted me to her which resulted in me courting her for 18 months. And the love we shared as a married couple beginning a new life with new experiences. Then there was my love for her as she went through labor pains being the mother of our three children. Our love matured even more while the kids were growing and went out on their own. The empty nest allowed us to have adventures like trying to find a couple dozen covered bridges in Pennsylvania where we worked together in learning to read rural road signs. Being in the twilight of our years and having to take care of her now, I am experiencing an even deeper love for her. The thought of her departing before I do makes me want to enjoy life with her so much more. She took care of some of her relatives, but cannot do it anymore, being unable to drive. Now it is her turn. I didn't know I had it in me to be a caretaker. Her memory problems existed before the stroke and she is becoming more dependent on me - and I like it. Only God knows what is in the works for us, but I am going to be an even better husband for her until death do us part.


Posted by Staff at 11:30 AM