I Can't Wait To Be My Husband's Girlfriend
October 27, 2015
I Can't Wait To Be My Husband's Girlfriend
Dr. Laura,

I wanted to take a minute to share a conversation between my mom and me. I was chatting with my mom on the phone and shared with her that I was going to be looking at a house that weekend with my boyfriend.

Knowing full well, that he and I both own our own separate homes already, and do not live together, my mom asked me, "Are you guys looking at renting your current homes and getting a place to live in together?" Disgusted, I told her, "No, until I'm married to the man, as Dr. Laura would say, I will not shack up and be his unpaid whore!"

I want to thank you for what you do on the radio every day. Because of you, I can't wait to someday be "my husband's girlfriend," instead of my boyfriends "unpaid whore."



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Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM