Not Letting the Turkeys Get Me Down
February 20, 2014
Not Letting the Turkeys Get Me Down

I got some sad news today. My 88-year-old pop has acute leukemia. After having an immense cry and being an optimist, I came up with an action plan BEFORE calling my sister, a KNOWN pessimist.  I knew she wasn't going to be encouraging, so, when she wasn't, it didn't bother me. I had given myself a pep talk before the call and didn't expect her to change. I accepted the fact she's well, a dork. And this new attitude is because you taught me to accept the stupidity in my life and think about the nicer things. And it has helped after that bad news.

God bless you....


P.S. Dad should be okay after some chemo and blood transfusions and I'll have my pop home soon.   Prayers!

Posted by Staff at 12:12 PM