December 3, 2012Why Are We So Mean Online?
Human beings have a tremendous capacity for evil, cruelty and meanness, and a lot of times, they consciously choose to be that way. Even good people have mean moments. They know exactly what they're doing, but they do it anyway because being cruel makes them feel good. As with anything in life, the higher up the ladder you are, the more haters are going to unload on you. If you raise your head above the crowd, somebody's going to come around with a sword and even you out.
One of the most prevalent examples of this is seen in how people talk to each other online. People use the Internet as a place where they can spew their vitriol, show their muscle, and have momentary feelings of power and superiority. They check every five minutes to see how many people "like" them or how many "friends" they have. Then, they vent their frustrations and post mean comments to each other because they are jealous about what they see other people accomplishing. A lot of them want to believe they're special. If anyone - a friend, neighbor, or family member - criticizes them or says otherwise, their egos get deflated and they attack.
why are people so nasty online in particular? One of the main reasons is that
their faces can't be seen. A social interaction on the Internet is not 1 percent as intimate and fulfilling as interacting in person, and therefore, many people hide there. It's easy. Looking somebody square in the eye and saying something mean is a lot harder to do. It takes a very particular kind of person to be able to do that without turning red. In general, when you're making eye contact, it's tougher to be your most base self.
Another explanation for why people are so cruel to each other online is because
they are bored. When you spend a ridiculous amount of hours just browsing and surfing the web,
eventually you're going to need some drama or stimulation. So, hey, why not randomly attack somebody and see if you can get a rise out of them?
If you find yourself getting caught up in someone else's mean behavior online, my solution is simple: get a life! Do you seriously think it's useful to waste your life spending hours on the Internet?! The Internet is not a life - it's instead of life.
I think our ability to use the Internet for information and important communication is an amazing technological feat. However, just like having one glass of wine after dinner is fine but getting fall-down drunk is not, the way you use the Internet matters. The big problem is that it's being used for terrorism, bullying, and destroying people's reputations, not productivity.
Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM