Bringing a Gun to School
February 29, 2012
Bringing a Gun to School

Coincidentally with the Chardon, Ohio shooting, yesterday at my daughter's Jr. High school in Warren, Texas, a young man in 8th grade, brought a gun to school and threatened two boys in the lunch room. The authorities acted promptly and I was pleased with how quickly the gun was taken and the children, thank God, were all safe.

My aggravation began last night, while listening to the news. The reporter quoted our Sheriff as saying, "this student may have been bullied at school". I thought of you and your comments about how society automatically begins thinking of excuses for the GUILTY. This statement on the news made it sound like it was the INNOCENT children at the school that "caused" this boy to bring a gun to school. POPPYCOCK!! This is a VERY small school where "everybody knows everybody". My daughter said (and I realize this is hearsay) she has never seen this boy bullied, but she has seen HIM plenty of times picking fights with other boys. According to my daughter, the boys in the lunchroom were letting the kid know how "stupid" he was for bringing chewing tobacco to school the day before. Is this "bullying"? Um...they were right! He WAS stupid for bringing the chewing tobacco to school the day before!! And he was equally stupid to bring a gun to school!!


It's an endless battle, Dr. Laura, training our children to be decent citizens and taking responsibility for their own actions. Thank you SO MUCH for standing up for MORALITY and DECENCY in world.


Posted by Staff at 5:39 PM