Who Is This Young Man?
January 6, 2012
Who Is This Young Man?

My 22-year-old son asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I told him, "Something from your heart." He groaned, which wasn't unexpected, but the gift he came up with was amazing.

Of all the things he has dragged around in his travels, he still has his baby blanket and it has survived.  So he cut off a corner of it, cut a square hole in the middle, and used it to matte a picture of himself and his younger brother when they were approximately 10 and about 8 months respectively. He mounted it, framed it, and added a caption: "We are always your babies."

I had to leave the room and cry for a moment, and ponder just who this young man is, and what he did with my son...


Posted by Staff at 2:25 PM