He Thinks My Stretch Marks Are Sexy!
May 19, 2015
He Thinks My Stretch Marks Are Sexy!

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I am a mother of 4 kids, but had 2 miscarriages, so I was pregnant a total of 6 times! As you can imagine, my stomach is "scratched up." My husband knows how self-conscious I am about my stomach and yet he's constantly reminding me that to him my stomach is the sexiest stomach in the world, because it carried his babies. Yes, I have a great man! 

He called me about an hour ago from work and said: "Check your email! I sent you something." This is the video he sent me. It made me laugh, but more importantly it made me realize even more what an incredible man I have as a husband, and my children have as a father.  

Love you for all you do, Dr. Laura! You're the greatest! 



Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM