Alone, Scared and Lost
October 15, 2013
Alone, Scared and Lost

I'm Dr. Laura Schlessinger and welcome to our YouTube channel commentary from Demeetra (that's an interesting name):

"I am now my husband's widow, after almost 32 years of marriage. We were a military family, moving often. [Ooh.]  When pancreatic cancer killed him suddenly (we had 6 weeks before he died) I found myself alone. My kids are grown and have their lives to look forward to. My friends avoid me, fearing that becoming a widow is contagious!

My husband and I planned to sell our home and move to the mountains and finally enjoy our life together. Instead, I'm alone, scared and lost.

The house is sold, and my personal property is in storage, I live in a room in my son's home. How do I take that first step to find me?

It's been 2 years, and I feel more alone now than ever."

First thing: unpack, send it to some place in the mountains where there's a nice community of people (sort of a small town thing), get out of your son's house, stop feeling like the aunt that's hiding in the closet...just cut all that out and move.  Get out of there.  Start a new chapter in your life.  Go find new friends, new people, new things to, new, new!  Go!  I think I've been forceful enough; I'll leave it. 

I'm Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  Until next time on our YouTube channel, do the right thing.



Posted by Staff at 12:24 PM