One-On-One Adventures With Mom
January 26, 2017
One-On-One Adventures With Mom

Dr. Laura:

Recently, I took my 2 year old on an adventure at the zoo.  We saw bears, a giraffe, and elephants as he pointed each one to me and told me their sounds.  We smelled exotic flowers in the garden.

Then another day we went to a store that featured household goods.  We turned our shopping cart into a train and we pointed out the animals on different objects and smelled an array of floral candles.

These are just some of the ways that I spend time with my son, and every day is a wonderful day that I get to be my husband's girlfriend and my son's mama.  Even though he has just turned two, I'm already getting questions from friends and family about when he'll be going to "school."  Somehow it's very difficult for people to see why I refuse to put my son's development, care, education and love received in the hands of hired help.  This is what being a stay-at-home mom gives to our son - one-on-one adventures, hidden lessons in every part of our day, and the ability to give him the very best we can afford - a loving home.

You have instilled in me the importance of my role in his life, and I thank you for helping our family grow and thrive through so many life-changing decisions, including this one.

A doting mama,


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM