Fighting in Front of the Kids
June 5, 2014
Fighting in Front of the Kids

No, I don't think it's ever okay to fight with your spouse in front of the kids. When you fight, your spouse is the enemy, whether or not they intend to be. Far better to work things out rationally. That is not always possible, but anger is not persuasive and is very damaging to the kids. I know. I used to give vent to my anger often. I had my reasons, but they do not matter. All my anger simply made my well-intended, but somewhat lazy husband, withdraw. My anger hurt the kids damaging my relationships with them.

Thankfully, I did the very hard work of undoing life-long thought patterns and slowly gained control over my bad habits. I apologized to my family members and much has been restored. My husband recognized his contribution to our troubles and set about stepping up. We actually started taking far better care of each other and like each other again. Funny how that works.




Posted by Staff at 1:45 PM