When Choosing A Mate
September 22, 2015
When Choosing A Mate

I have a favorite song ("Lead Me" by Sanctus Real) that poses good questions for women and men when choosing a mate.  Is he or are you willing to:

Lead with strong hands
Stand up when the other can't
Don't leave the other hungry for love
Show you're willing to fight and that your mate is still the love of your life
Take care of each other so the other is not feeling alone.

I strive each day to make my marriage the best it can be, and my husband does the same.  Even when the children grow up, the work to keep the marriage alive still needs to be done.  

My 25 year old daughter and my grandson listen to you too.  We believe in the values, morals and lessons you teach and we know we can always do something to improve one or more areas in our lives.  Thank you, Dr. Laura, for being there each day for us!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM