January 28, 2016
The Best Job EVER
Dear Dr. Laura:
I listen to you every single day. I am a better wife to my husband and mom to my 15 and 13 year old kids. I'm very happily married, and each day with my growing teens is a drop of honey that I cherish. I know I'll blink and they'll be up and out.
I've always said that being a mom is the best job I ever did or will ever do. When I say that, at first some people are put off, but then realize how correct that statement is. The work of being a mom is the greatest work I could leave behind. My kids are secure and loved deeply, and my commitment to them and my family has a lot to do with that. They are decent, kind, polite and generous.
You are incredibly strong, and even in hard times I value you telling people to forge ahead with their realities and don't blame - just "keep on keepin' on!"
Thank you for all you do.
Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM